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TSP’s Jo in Town Hall Abseil for Charity

TSP’s Jo in Town Hall Abseil for Charity

In connection with Invasion 2017, CoHoC, the Colchester Hospitals Charity, will be staging a Super Star Abseil down Colchester Town Hall on Sunday 3 September 2017. The event, which will see members of the public abseil down the side of this iconic building dressed as their favourite comic or screen hero, will raise funds for the Cancer Centre at Colchester Hospital.

TSP’s Jo Jeavons, who works in the firm’s Personal Injury team, will be taking part and rumour has it that she will be dressed as Batman!?! Can’t wait to see the pictures Jo!

TSP is a keen supporter of CoHoC and is pleased to be able to support Jo as she takes on this challenge. Jo said “I have never done anything like this before and am getting more nervous the closer it’s getting to the big day! If anybody would like to make a donation I will be very grateful. It will also give me a very good reason to go through with it and not chicken out!”

As well as abseiling Jo has also organised a bake sale to add to the money that she hopes to raise. If you would like to support Jo with her fundraising efforts you can do so here

Anyone can take part in the event - all you need to do is register to take part, which you can do online at

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